The meeting format will be similar to the previous SpiN Workshops.
- Meeting starts: Thursday, January 8 at 8:45 am
- Meeting ends: Friday, January 9 at 5:15 pm
Meeting schedule
Warm-up: Wednesday, January 7
If you arrive on Wednesday and would like to share a good beer with other participants on Wednesday evening, please join for an informal get-together at
Taphouse (Lavendelstræde 15,
click here for a map) starting at
8 pm.
Day 1: Thursday, January 8
08:45 Welcome coffee

09:15 Introduction
09:30 Tobias May,
Technical University of Denmark (DK)
"Computational speech segregation based on an auditory-inspired modulation analysis"
10:00 Bernd Meyer, University of Oldenburg (DE)
"Assessment of human speech intelligibility based on machine listening"
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Emma Jokinen, Aalto University (FI)
"Utilization of the Lombard effect for the intelligibility enhancement of telephone speech"
11:30 Michael Jeffet, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (IL)
"Integrating beamforming with binaural sound reproduction using spherical microphone array"
12:00 Lunch (Kosmopol)
13:15 Sarah Hawkins (keynote talk), University of Cambridge (UK)
"Predicting the intelligibility of connected speech and singing in adverse listening conditions"

14:15 Anita Wagner, University Medical Center Groningen (NL)
"The access of mental representations of speech in face of signal degradation"
14:45 Poster session / Social
18:00 Dinner (Restaurant Höst)
Day 2: Friday, January 9
08:45 Poster session / Coffee
11:00 Adriana Zekveld, VU Medical Center Amsterdam (NL)
"The eye as a window to the listening brain"
11:30 Elaine Ng, Linköping University (SE)
"Cognition in hearing-aid users"
12:00 Chris James, Cochlear France/ORL CHU-Toulouse (FR)
"Efficient SpiN testing for the routine evaluation of French cochlear-implanted subjects"
12:30 Lunch (Kosmopol)
13:45 Alexis Hervais-Adelman, University of Geneva (CH)
"Articulatory-motor regions in acoustically-degraded word processing - converging evidence"
14:15 Johannes Zaar, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
"Consonant perception - sources of perceptual variability and modeling approaches"
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 Kurt Steinmetzger, University College London (UK)
"The role of periodicity in perceiving speech in quiet and in background noise"
15:45 Malte Wöstmann, Max Planck Institute (DE)
"Neural mechanisms of understanding speech in noise"
16:15 Discussion and feedback
17:15 Meeting ends
Social event: Saturday, January 10
A trip to the
Louisiana Museum of modern art will be organized on Saturday.
If you would like to participate, please meet up in front of Kosmopol at
10 am.
From there, we will take the train to Humlebæk (about 30 min north of the city) where the museum is located.
Participants will have to cover their own expenses for this event (train ticket, museum entrance, food, etc.).