Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 7th edition of the annual Speech in Noise (SpiN) workshop, which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on January 8 and 9, 2015.
We are looking forward to another inspiring scientific exchange on topics covering many different aspects of speech-in-noise research. The scientific programme will contain oral presentations from invited speakers at various stages in their academic careers as well as contributed poster presentations. We highly encourage young investigators (students and postdocs) to submit contributions about their current projects and to actively participate in the meeting.
On this website, you will be able to register for the 2015 meeting and submit your research contributions. You will also find relevant practical information about the meeting venue and how to book accommodation for your stay in Copenhagen.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Denmark this winter.
The SpiN 2015 team
Gaston Hilkhuysen (LMA)
Dorothea Wendt (DTU)
Sébastien Santurette (DTU)
Caroline van Oosterhout (DTU)
Rolph Houben (AMC)
Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc (DTU)

Photo: Nicolas Le Goff