Speech In Noise 2015
Oral presentations:
O1 Tobias May, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Computational speech segregation based on an auditory-inspired modulation analysis
O2 Bernd Meyer, University of Oldenburg (DE)
Assessment of human speech intelligibility based on machine listening
O3 Emma Jokinen, Aalto University (FI)
Utilization of the Lombard effect for the intelligibility enhancement of
telephone speech
O4 Michael Jeffet, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (IL)
Integrating beamforming with binaural sound reproduction using a spherical microphone array
O5 Sarah Hawkins (keynote talk), University of Cambridge (UK)
Predicting intelligibility of connected speech and singing in adverse listening conditions
O6 Anita Wagner, University Medical Center Groningen (NL)
The access of mental representations of speech in face of signal degradation
O7 Adriana Zekveld, VU Medical Center Amsterdam (NL)
The eye as a window to the listening brain
O8 Elaine Ng, Linköping University (SE)
Cognition in hearing aid users
O9 Chris James, Cochlear France/ORL CHU-Toulouse (FR)
Efficient SpiN testing for the routine evaluation of French cochlear implanted subjects
O10 Alexis Hervais-Adelman, University of Geneva (CH)
Articulatory-motor regions in acoustically-degraded word processing - converging evidence
O11 Johannes Zaar, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Consonant perception - sources of perceptual variability and modeling approaches
O12 Kurt Steinmetzger, University College London (UK)
The role of periodicity in perceiving speech in quiet and in background noise
O13 Malte Wöstmann, Max Planck Institute (DE)
Neural oscillations reflect attentional challenges of understanding speech in noise
Poster presentations:
P1 Christophe Lesimple, Bernafon (CH)
Beyond speech intelligibility: Using response times, sound quality, and task load to evaluate the benefit of noise reduction
P3 Rebecca Carroll, University of Oldenburg (DE)
Is vocabulary size a reliable predictor for performance in speech intelligibility tasks?
P4 Niels Søgaard Jensen, Eriksholm Research Centre (DK)
Validation of the Spatial Fixed-SNR (SFS) test in anechoic and reverberant conditions
P5 Lars Bramsløw, Eriksholm Research Centre (DK)
Binaural speech recognition for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners in a competing voice test
P6 Jeanne Clarke, University of Groningen, (NL)
Effect of residual hearing in bimodal users on top-down repair of
interrupted speech
P7 Gaston Hilkhuysen, CNRS, Marseille (FR)
RM-ANOVA on RAUs vs mixed effects logistic
regression: a ruling of the high court for statistics
P8 Eline Borch Petersen, Eriksholm Research Centre (DK)
Influence of hearing impairment on alpha power during retention of auditory stimuli
P9 Mary Rudner, Linköping University (SE)
Good working memory capacity facilitates long-term memory encoding of speech in stationary noise
P11 Christoph Scheidiger, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Modelling speech intelligibility in hearing impaired listeners
P12 Mai-Britt Beldam, Saint-Gobain Ecophon (DK)
Room acoustic descriptors – room for more?
P14 Wiebke Schubotz, University of Oldenburg (DE)
Speech intelligibility and speech detection in adverse monaural
masking conditions: Comparison of empirical and model data
P16 Deniz Başkent, University Medical Center Groningen (NL)
Musician advantage for speech-on speech perception
P17 João F. Santos, University of Quebec (CA)
Improving blind reverberation time estimation on a two-microphone portable
device by using speech source distance information
P18 Pernille Holtegaard, Rigshospitalet (DK)
Noise-induced neuro-degeneration - an invisible noise-induced hearing loss
P19 Martin Dahlquist, Widex A/S, ORCA Europe (SE)
Preference judgments in the field and in the laboratory
P20 Etienne Gaudrain, University Medical Center Groningen (NL)
Perception of vocal characteristics in cochlear implants
P21 Terrin N. Tamati,University Medical Center Groningen (NL)
The perceptual discrimination of reduced and clear speech in adverse conditions
P22 William M. Whitmer, MRC/CSO Institute of Hearing Research (UK)
Measuring the objective and subjective limens for speech intelligibility benefits
P27 Marianna Vatti, Eriksholm Research Centre (DK)
Hearing impaired speakers of tonal languages may be more affected by noise
than speakers of non-tonal languages
P29 Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
PAMBOX: A Python auditory modeling toolbox